Sunday, December 29, 2013

Concept Confession - Communication

Communicating with parents is a major part of the job . . . and finding the most efficient form, effective tool or consistent method is a never-ending battle. Just when I create a new form to write on, I start to get more emails. Just when I sort my emails into folders and label everything . . . I get more phone calls. And the phone log - ughhhh! I am not good with the follow through there.

Here are some communication tips that have worked for me. As you start the New Year, it is a great resolution to set - Improved Communication :)

Communication Journals:

Yep, the old spiral notebook is my go-to form of communication. I know, I know, I could email and have record of every correspondence. But, I can carry these notebooks around as I travel the school. I can move while I am writing - I am not stuck at my computer. I can rip a page out and start over - review before I send and add stuff I forget before the kids go home. As a special education teacher (Interventionist), I can have my Aides write quick notes too - "needs lunch money" or "please send . . . ".
I glue an information sheet in the front of each notebook:
And I put the student name on the front of the cover. I usually go through 2 journals per kid, in one year. I ask the parents for a few on my school supply list and I specify "college ruled" so that I can fit a lot on one page. 
A bonus of this method is - if I am out, my Aides can still write home. Another bonus is that families know I am out for the day and I am less likely to get emails or phone calls regarding the day - they know I wasn't there! Finally, the most important benefit of this "old-fashioned" communication system is student involvement. I really try to empower my students to own the journal - own the responsibility of giving it to their parents, getting it signed and bringing it back to school to me, each and every day! I have made a reward system when I needed some motivation for follow through. 

Another piece of my communication system is - the homework form. Some of my students attend various classes with Aide support, where I am not the teacher. In order to help organize all of the homework, classwork, content covered, reminders, etc (relying on my students' planners is a great idea, but they are never reliable or complete), I created this form. My Aides and I fill this out during the day and we make general comments about the classes so that copies can be made for all the students who attend the same classes. It works out great and it really cuts back on me writing this kind of stuff in the journals.

And still, there is more . . . I have a website for my classroom. This website does have a homework page where students and parents can double check the assigned work. I also post links to videos or games that may be part of the homework or supplements. I take the homework from the other core classes and post it here as well. Repetition can't hurt, right? 

Now, by no means is this a perfect model. I can barely keep up some days. 
I am sure many of you have very efficient, time-saving methods. 

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